NEW MODEL Mediwarm Matrix with pulsed infrared and Magnetic coming soon.

Contact Information
Mediwarm Products Group
Harmonicka 1384/13
CZ-15800 Prague 5
Czech Republic. EU
European Sales Office:
CZ: +420 736 702 804
DE: +49 176 879 42 999
USA Sales Office
USA: +1 707 490 9261
(VAT) CZ 2619 6417
Carp sro, founded 2000
Prague, Czech Republic
KB a.s.
IBAN: CZ1801 0000 0115 7379 9502 47

The CE testing Laboratory requires us to advise users with specific health problems to use caution when using any Far Infrared heating device:
Hemophiliacs and anyone predisposed to hemorrhage should avoid using Infrared heating that would induce vasodilatation, which can increase the tendency to bleed.
Pregnancy (consult your doctor)
Lupus (both types)
Chronic Renal insufficiency (check with your Doctor)
I you are not sure, always check with your Doctor if Infrared Heat is appropriate.
The Mediwarm® Thermal-Mat is not a medical device. As with any heating appliance, should any pain
occur or worsen with its use, then discontinue the use of the device and get advice from your Doctor.